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Update Slack Integration for SOE 2024.2
Update Slack Integration for SOE 2024.2

How to update the Slack manifest for new SOE 2024.2 features.

Joel Bradley avatar
Written by Joel Bradley
Updated over a week ago

Tags | Slack | Integrations |

Applies to: Enterprise

This documentation is for Stack Overflow Enterprise. Free, Basic, and Business users can access their documentation here. Find your plan.


Stack Overflow for Teams Enterprise (SOE) introduced new integration for Slack features with its 2024.2 release. To use these features, you'll need to update your existing integration for Slack app with a new manifest from SOE. Follow the steps below to update.

In Stack Overflow for Teams Enterprise

  1. Go to: https://[your_site]/

  2. In the “Reconfiguring your Slack application” section at the bottom of the page, click the Click here to view instructions link.

  1. In step 1 of the instructions, click the …clicking here… link to copy a new Slack bot manifest into your copy/paste buffer.


  1. Log into your account at

  2. Click your Stack Overflow Enterprise Slack app to edit it.

  3. In the left-hand menu, click App Manifest.

  4. Click JSON at the top of the App Manifest page.

  1. Paste the new manifest into the JSON text box to overwrite the existing manifest.

  2. Click Save Changes. Your Slack app is now updated.

Slack app install messages

If you receive a message when updating your app, follow the instructions below.

Message: "You’ve changed the permission scopes your app uses."

  1. Click reinstall your app in the message.

  1. Click Reinstall to Workspace on the following page.

  1. Click Allow on the following page to allow the integration for Slack app on your workspace.

Message: "Your URL isn’t verified."

  1. Click the Click here to verify link to verify the URL.

If you need further support or have questions, contact your site administrator.

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